How to manage your device count
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GroundWork Monitor counts devices in the foundation database, rather than hosts in the configuration database. This means the true count being compared against the license limit is the number of entries in the Device table in Foundation, and not the number of hosts.
Devices are added to the GroundWork system using the Nagios Monitoring Commit process, through various auto-discovery processes, by the reception of SNMP traps, or if configured by syslogng.
When you re-IP a host, GroundWork creates a new device in order to preserve the historical data (events) on that device with the right name/IP address. Thus, if you generate a report on events you will see the events associated with the device as named when the event arrived, not as it is currently named. This is by design.
Below are processes for determining and adjusting your device count.
Determining your device count
Selecting Configuration > Nagios Monitoring > Maintenance > Device Cleanup, displays a summary of current devices (with explanations in the table below):summary
========================================================Number of devices Total: 253
Number of devices referenced by hosts: 232
Number of devices NOT referenced by hosts: 21
Number of devices probably created by traps: 0
Number of devices probably created by syslog messages: 0
Total Unused Devices: 21
Number of devices Total | The current total of all devices in the database, this is the number the license manager would look at. |
Number of devices referenced by hosts | This is how many devices you have that are monitored as hosts in Nagios (via the configuration database). These are what are termed "core" devices. You can't really affect this number without deleting hosts in Monarch. |
Number of devices NOT referenced by hosts | These are the devices that could potentially be removed since they are not associated with hosts in the configuration. |
Number of devices probably created by traps | These are the devices created by the processes other than configuration (traps). |
Number of devices probably created by syslog messages | There are the devices created by the processes other than configuration (logs). |
Total Unused Devices | This is the number of devices that are no longer referenced. They are kept in the database for historical data preservation only. |
Adjusting your device count
Using these options deletes historical data! If that data is important to you, you may want to make a backup of the GWCollageDB database first.
Device cleanup
- Select Configuration > Nagios Monitoring > Maintenance > Device Cleanup.
- The summary will show the used or unused device counts. Check each option to be cleaned (see table), then select clean or list to view cleanable devices.
Perform a commit, Configuration > Monarch > Control > Pre flight test > Commit.
Cleanup Remove devices no longer used.
Be aware this action will remove all LogMessage and performance data for these devices from the GWCollageDB (foundation) database.Forceclean Remove devices when Cleanup alone does not remove all devices.
This option is needed in cases where a device is in the device table, but all log messages pertaining to it have been removed, either by operator intervention, or by data retention processes. In the rare case where Cleanup, Cleansnmp and Cleansyslog do not remove devices NOT assigned to hosts, try the "forceclean" option in addition to Cleanup, Cleansnmp and Cleansyslog.
Using the "forceclean" option may delete devices classified as snmptrap or syslog generated. This is because it removes devices for which no historical messages exist in the database. Such devices may exist if you have been managing the data saved by trimming out old messages. This is by design, and usually desirable.Cleansnmp and Cleansyslog Remove snmptrap and or syslog devices only.
Of course, if you do this, the event console will no longer display events for deleted devices.
If your GroundWork installation is still receiving snmptraps and/or syslog messages, devices will be newly created and the count will be increased, accordingly. Devices that you do not wish to be in your Total Number of Devices, should not be sending snmptraps or syslog messages to your GroundWork installation.
Service cleanup
The Service Cleanup option enables you to search for unused services you may want to delete.
- Select Configuration > Nagios Monitoring > Maintenance > Service Cleanup.
- Enter a service name, (use the "%" symbol as a wildcard).
- To list only services and ignore listing service profiles, check Ignore Service Profiles.
- Click List and then select the boxes of the service names you wish to remove, click Delete selected.
Externals cleanup
Service or host externals can be added to Services, Hosts, and Profiles. You can delete externals with the External Cleanup tool by searching service externals or host externals.
- Go to Configuration > Nagios Monitoring > Maintenance > Externals Cleanup.
- For the service name the "%" character can be used as a wildcard. Enter a valid search pattern for externals (e.g., windows%, gdma%, wmi_%_MSE%, %, - or _).
- Select service to list service externals or host to list host externals.
- Click List.
- Check the boxes of the service names you wish to remove.
- Click Delete selected.
Remove unused services
This option lets you remove all unused services for a specified date.
- Go to Configuration > Nagios Monitoring > Maintenance > Remove Unused Services.
- Enter a date you want the services removed.
- Enter a service name, (you may use the "%" symbol as a wildcard). You can also choose to select Invert Search which will list all services except the entered service.
- Select List, and then choose the boxes of the service names you wish to remove, notice you also have the option to select Delete RRDs. Checking this box deletes any services associated RRDs. When ready, click Delete selected.
Close events
You can list and close events for a specified date.
- Go to Configuration > Nagios Monitoring > Maintenance > Close Events.
- Enter a date you want the events closed.
- Enter a device name, (you may use the "%" symbol as a wildcard).
- To keep a specified number of events for the indicated device you can enter that number in the box titled Keep Last N Events.
- Select List to view events and or Close Events to close searched events.
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GroundWork Profiles (Documentation)
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Nagios Monitoring (GroundWork Support 8)
How to configure check_workers (GroundWork Support 8)