How do I submit a GroundWork support request

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Q: How do I submit a GroundWork support request?
A: Go to and click Submit a Ticket, then log in or create an account.

Submit a ticket

1) Go to the GroundWork Support portal at, and click Submit a Ticket from the link at the center of the screen, or from the Resources drop-down (this option is available from all portal pages).

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2) Log in with your service desk account credentials, or for new accounts click Sign up for an account.

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3) Click an issue type for your request; Support, License, Feature, or Professional Services.

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4) Fill-in the request form and click Create. For a Support Request you will see the following fields, please note after an issue has been created, the fields Summary, Description, Priority, and Affects Version/s can be edited only by a GroundWork agent. 

  • Summary: Enter a brief summary of your request.
  • Description: Enter a detailed summary of your request. 
  • Priority: Select a priority that best fits your request; Blocker, High, Medium, Low, Minor
  • Affects Version/s: Select one or more versions of GroundWork Monitor related to this request. 
  • Attachment: Optionally add an attachment to your request.
  • Share withYour submitted tickets will only be visible to you, the GroundWork agents, and any organizations you've selected. Selecting an Organization name shares your issue with GroundWork agents and all members of the selected organization. Selecting Private request shares your issue with only GroundWork agents. This drop-down is only visible if you have been added to an organization. Organizations are set up by a GroundWork agent and include registered support users from within the same company. 

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Support request FAQs

  • How to create a new support ticket when I am viewing an existing ticket?
    Clicking the GroundWork square icon at the top center of the screen allows you to create a new ticket from within a ticket.
    create a new ticket when in a ticket
  • How to share a support ticket with others in my company?
    Go to, click Submit a Ticket and log in. Locate the support ticket you wish to share, then on the right side of the screen click Share.
  • How to change the status of a support ticket?
    The status of a support ticket is based on the configured workflow. Ticket status will change when agent or customer actions are submitted, such as commenting, sharing, escalating, resolving or cancelling a request. Initially tickets will show the status of Waiting for Support and be assigned to Unassigned.
  • How to resolve a support ticket?
    Go to, click Submit a Ticket and log in. Locate the support ticket you wish to resolve, then on the right side of the screen click Resolve this issue.
  • How to reopen a support ticket?
    Go to, click Submit a Ticket and log in. Locate the support ticket you wish to reopen, on the left side of the screen add a new comment which will reopen the ticket and update the status to Waiting for support.
  • How to change support ticket priority?
    After an issue has been created, you cannot directly change the Priority of a support ticket, the ticket Priority can only be edited by a GroundWork agent. You can escalate a ticket, see next.
  • How to escalate a support ticket?
    Go to, click Submit a Ticket and log in. Locate the support ticket you wish to escalate, then on the right side of the screen click Escalate.
  • How to cancel a support ticket?
    Go to, click Submit a Ticket and log in. Locate the support ticket you wish to cancel, then on the right side of the screen click Cancel request.
  • How to view all my support tickets?
    Go to, click Submit a Ticket and log in. Click your profile icon in the top right corner, then select All Requests (your requests and associated organization requests). Selecting 
    My Requests lists only the requests you've created, "Organization" lists requests that you are associated with in an organization.

    managing requests 1
  • How to interact within a support request? 
    Go to, click Submit a Ticket and log in. Click your profile icon in the top right corner, then select All RequestsClicking a ticket reference number from the list of requests (e.g., JSD-213) lets you view the ticket details and add comments. You can choose to Share, Escalate, Resolve, or Cancel the request. You will receive notifications of ticket updates unless you opt out. You can also submit a new ticket from this location by clicking the GroundWork square icon at the top center of the page.

    managing requests 3
  • How to filter and search requests?
    Go to, click Submit a Ticket and log in. Click your profile icon in the top right corner, then select All Requests. On the left side of the screen you can choose to filter by status, created by, and request type. You can also search requests from this location.

    managing requests 2
  • How to change my GroundWork Support password.
    Go to, click Submit a Ticket and log in. Click your profile icon in the top right corner, then select Profile and Change password.

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