Home Dashboard
About Home Dashboard
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Best used to view a summary of your infrastructures top problems. The Home Dashboard, displayed upon login, is the highest level summary of your monitored infrastructure, where managers and operators can access an at-a-glance view of top problems and immediate issues. This dashboard is organized to quickly show state totals, SLA status, top 10 host and service problems, monitoring events, and a maintenance timeline.
The Time Picker, located at the top right corner, enables the statistics in each section to be displayed for the selected time (except for the section Top Global Problems, which is the % of time in OK or UP hardcoded to report the last 48 hours).
The following image summarizes the different sections of the Home Dashboard, see further down this document for additional detail.
Home Dashboard Tutorial
A GroundWork out-of-the-box dashboard, the Home Dashboard is displayed upon login and provides users an at-a-glance view of the infrastructures top problems and immediate issues.
fas fa-chalkboard-teacher WHAT YOU WILL LEARN
How to interpret and interact with the data being presented in each section of the Home Dashboard
fas fa-sign-in-alt GETTING STARTED
Log in to GroundWork Monitor as a user with an Administrator role (e.g., admin/admin), and expand and follow each section below
This top section of the Home dashboard provides bold and upfront values for monitored host and service status with hover-over detail counts and percentages, and drilldown to the Status dashboard.
Host Status shows the state of your monitored hosts. Hosts not UP are either DOWN and distinct from everything else in a troubled state, or DEGRADED.
- At the top of the dashboard, looking at the Host Status image you can see:
- The DOWN value indicates the number of hosts not responding and not in scheduled downtime, (e.g., Unscheduled Down).
- The DEGRADED value indicates the number of degraded hosts, (e.g., Unreachable, Suspended, Scheduled Down).
- The UP value indicates the number of hosts currently responding.
- Hover over the DOWN or DEGRADED titles in the inner circle to view a detailed state count, and you can also drilldown into the Status Summary to access additional detail.
- Hover over the outer circle color-coded graphic to show the percentage for the monitored host states.
Similarly for Service Status you can view the state of monitored services. Services not OK are either CRITICAL or DEGRADED.
- Looking at the Service Status image you can see:
- The CRITICAL value indicates the number of services not responding and not in scheduled downtime, (e.g., Unscheduled Critical).
- The DEGRADED value indicates the number of degraded services, (e.g., Warning, Unknown, Pending).
- The OK value indicates the number of services currently responding.
- Hover over the CRITICAL, DEGRADED and OK titles in the inner circle to view a detailed state count, and you can also drilldown into the Status Summary to access additional detail.
- Hover over the outer circle color-coded graphic to show the percentage for the monitored service states.
SLA Status lists all defined SLA contracts and their current state. Any service, including a Business Service Monitoring (BSM) service can be the subject of an SLA contract. The image below shows the three default SLA contracts for GroundWork 8 system monitors. See BSM and SLAs for more information. If SLAs are not configured this panel will not be displayed.

- At the top of the dashboard, looking at the SLA Status you can see:
- A Contract as the name given to an SLA contract.
- A Target is a specified target percentage for service availability that supports the SLA.
- Actual is the calculated percentage for service availability performance monitored against the SLA target.
- Current State is the current status of the host service.
Global Top Problems lists the top 10 availability problems and trends for all monitored hosts and services, this is over a hardcoded time period of 48 hours. The list takes the hosts and services that have the most problems and bubbles them up to the top, and tells you whether or not the state is improving or declining.
Top Problems is sorted by "availability", which we define as the percentage of time the listed resources was in an OK or UP state during the last 48 hours. The intent of Top Problems is to quickly show you which of your systems (hosts) or services are the least reliable. If you are looking for what is causing issues in your infrastructure recently, this is your punch list of problems to fix.
- Click the Global Top Problems link at the top of the dashboard, or scroll down to this section.
- On the left side are the top 10 host problems, and on the right the top 10 service problems. Each side displays:
- Color-coded icons for Hosts and Services indicating the elements current state (e.g., UP/OK, DOWN/CRITICAL).
- The Name is the host or service monitor, with drilldown capability to the Status dashboard for viewing detailed information.
- The far fa-calendar-plus column shows the percentage of Availability of the host or service over the last 48 hours.
- The fas fa-chart-line column shows a Trend indicator for the host or service over the last 48 hours, e.g., No trend, Deteriorating, or Improving.
- The fas fa-user-shield column shows a fas fa-check if the problem has been Acknowledged.
Events display everything happening in GroundWork Monitor in real-time, including monitoring state changes, notifications, and other system messages. A similar Events dashboard, with filtering capability is included under the Dashboards menu.
- Click the Events link at the top of the dashboard, or scroll down to this section. You can see this section is organized by the following columns:
- The first column, Received by GW, shows the date/time an event was received by the GroundWork server. You can toggle the column title to sort in ascending and descending order, note that using this sort feature will take you out of the Home dashboard and into to a similar Events dashboard which offers detailed filtering capability.
- Columns for Host and its associated Service will be displayed for service events. A column for Host will be displayed for host events. Both with drilldown capability to the Status Summary for more detail and further user interaction.
- The Status column shows the host/service state at the time the event occurred.
- Message displays more detail about the host/service event.
- The Application Type indicates where the event originated, e.g., DOCK for Docker, VEMA for VMware.
- The last column show the Severity of the alert at the time the event occurred (e.g., LOW, HIGH, WARNING, CRITICAL).
- The events are paginated.
Additionally, clicking the Time Picker (e.g. 48H) button at the top allows events to filter to the top of the list for the indicated block of time.
The Maintenance Timeline is the last section, and shows all configured monitoring downtimes for hosts and services. This is a scrolling display and shows all scheduled downtime the user has rights to access. Downtimes are set in Configuration > Downtime. See Scheduled Downtime for more information.
- Click the Maintenance Timeline link at the top of the dashboard, or scroll down to this section. You can see:
- Actual downtime is indicated by the colored bar.
- The current time is in the middle of the display.
- The past downtimes are viewable to the left of the current time.
- The future downtimes to the right of the current time.
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