Want to Get GroundWork Certified?
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Get Certified with GroundWork! Become a GroundWork Certified System Administrator (GWCSA). The GroundWork Certified System Administrator certification exam tests the core system administration knowledge and skills for using the latest version of GroundWork Monitor Enterprise, and is open to new and experienced GroundWork administrators, Partners, and Resellers. The exam is presented in two parts, a questionnaire and comprehensive lab comprised of logically sequenced configuration exercises. It's self-paced, takes approximately 8-12 hours to complete and is administered over a one-week period. Participants of GroundWork training, or those with equivalent knowledge, are eligible to become GroundWork certified. The cost for GroundWork Certification is $500 per person, this fee is waived for GroundWork Custom training participants.
Certification Schedule 2022
The GWCSA certification exam is administered the second month of each quarter, over a one week period, Monday through Sunday, (we can of course accommodate dates/times that better fit your schedule, just let us know):
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FEB 07-13
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Register Now
MAY 02-08
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AUG 01-07
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Register Now
NOV 07-13
Have Questions?
Contact GroundWork and let us answer any questions you may have about becoming GroundWork certified:
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