Provides examples of using GDMA Auto Setup in practice. See also Practical Advice for Auto Setup.

An End-to-end Complete Example

Let's use the resources known to be on every Linux GDMA machine to create an example that we can examine in all its aspects.

Every Linux GDMA machine runs two Perl daemons, named (the poller) and (the spooler). We will undertake to monitor those two processes in some way. To do so, we first create a gdma-daemon base service on the GroundWork server, and associate the following service external with it, literally as shown (with embedded macro references that will expand to appropriate values when externals are built):

Check_$BASESERVICEDESC$[$INSTANCE$]_Command="check_gdma -t $INSTANCESUFFIX$ -w $ARG2$ -c $ARG3$"
The check_gdma program you see there is presumably a custom plugin that we will have set up to be downloaded to Linux GDMA machines. The exact nature of that plugin is not specified here; we are just using it and its arguments as a prop to correspond to the instance externals arguments we will generate in our discovery results. To be clear, there is only the one external associated with the base gdma-daemon service. As many customized copies of that one external will be generated as needed when externals are built, corresponding to the particular service instances that get generated in our Auto-Setup processing.

For purposes of exposition here, we assume that the instructions and trigger files reside on the GDMA client, and we will run the discover tool there to perform our testing.

Our sample instructions file looks like this:

# Sample instructions file for discovering the principal
# GDMA daemon processes.

format_version = "1.0"

# Generic GDMA host profile, for whatever platform we're on.
<host "GDMA host">
    type = os_type
    pattern = "(.*)"
    host_profile = "gdma-$SANITIZED1$-host"

<service "GDMA Poller">
    type = full_process_command
    cardinality = "first"
    # $MATCHED1$ will be "poll" for this sensor.
    pattern = "/.perl.bin\s+/[a-z/]+?/gdma_(poll).pl"
    service = "gdma-daemon"
    instance_suffix = "_$MATCHED1$"
    instance_ext_args = "$MATCHED1$!20!10"

<service "GDMA Spooler">
    type = full_process_command
    cardinality = "first"
    # $MATCHED1$ will be "spool" for this sensor.
    pattern = "/.perl.bin\s+/[a-z/]+?/gdma_(spool)"
    service = "gdma-daemon"
    instance_suffix = "_$MATCHED1$"
    instance_ext_args = "$MATCHED1$!20!10"
Our trigger file looks like this:
# dry-run trigger file,
# for tentative testing
if_duplicate = "optimize"
soft_error_reporting = "ignore"
change_policy = "non_destructive"
last_step = "test_configuration"
Notice that the trigger's last_step value is set to allow us to send results to the server, which we will do as part of our testing.

While logged in as the gdma user, we run a pass of discovery like this:

cd /usr/local/groundwork/gdma/bin
./discover /tmp/sample_trigger /tmp/sample_instructions
That discover command yields the following output:
Discovery instructions, as read and parsed

$instructions = {
  'format_version' => '1.0',
  'host' => {
    'GDMA host' => {
      'cardinality' => 'single',
      'host_profile' => 'gdma-$SANITIZED1$-host',
      'pattern' => '(.*)',
      'type' => 'os_type'
  'service' => {
    'GDMA Poller' => {
      'cardinality' => 'first',
      'instance_ext_args' => '$MATCHED1$!20!10',
      'instance_suffix' => '_$MATCHED1$',
      'pattern' => '/.perl.bin\s+/[a-z/]+?/gdma_(poll).pl',
      'service' => 'gdma-daemon',
      'type' => 'full_process_command'
    'GDMA Spooler' => {
      'cardinality' => 'first',
      'instance_ext_args' => '$MATCHED1$!20!10',
      'instance_suffix' => '_$MATCHED1$',
      'pattern' => '/.perl.bin\s+/[a-z/]+?/gdma_(spool)',
      'service' => 'gdma-daemon',
      'type' => 'full_process_command'

OS type, as determined during discovery

Full process commands for all users, as found during discovery
<b>... lots of process command lines, not shown here ...</b>
/usr/local/groundwork/perl/bin/.perl.bin /usr/local/groundwork/gdma/bin/
/usr/local/groundwork/perl/bin/.perl.bin /usr/local/groundwork/gdma/bin/
<b>... lots of process command lines, not shown here ...</b>

Mostly-unanalyzed discovery results

packet_version             = 1.0
succeeded                  = true
last_step                  = test_configuration
if_duplicate               = optimize
soft_error_reporting       = ignore
change_policy              = non_destructive
registration_agent         = GDMA Auto-Setup
hostnames                  = myhost
ip_addresses               = fe80::111:ea85:cafe:1729
mac_addresses              = 00:19:c2:87:a3:f9
os_type                    = linux

Sensor results

sensor_name          = GDMA host
type                 = os_type
cardinality          = single
enabled              = true
matched              = true
host_profile_name    = gdma-linux-host

    Sensor Instance:
    qualified_resource = linux
    Raw matched strings, quoted for visibility:
        $MATCHED1$     = 'linux'
    Sanitized match strings, quoted for visibility:
        $SANITIZED1$   = 'linux'

sensor_name          = GDMA Poller
type                 = full_process_command
cardinality          = first
enabled              = true
matched              = true
service_name         = gdma-daemon

    Sensor Instance:
    qualified_resource = /usr/local/groundwork/perl/bin/.perl.bin /usr/local/groundwork/gdma/bin/
    Raw matched strings, quoted for visibility:
        $MATCHED1$     = 'poll'
    Sanitized match strings, quoted for visibility:
        $SANITIZED1$   = 'poll'
    instance_suffix    = _poll
    instance_ext_args  = poll!20!10

sensor_name          = GDMA Spooler
type                 = full_process_command
cardinality          = first
enabled              = true
matched              = true
service_name         = gdma-daemon

    Sensor Instance:
    qualified_resource = /usr/local/groundwork/perl/bin/.perl.bin /usr/local/groundwork/gdma/bin/
    Raw matched strings, quoted for visibility:
        $MATCHED1$     = 'spool'
    Sanitized match strings, quoted for visibility:
        $SANITIZED1$   = 'spool'
    instance_suffix    = _spool
    instance_ext_args  = spool!20!10
There are multiple sections in that output, allowing you to see exactly what the discover tool saw at different stages of its execution. And that helps tremendously with developing and testing sensor definitions. Let's walk through each of those sections. It may help if you use two browser windows to display two copies of this page side-by-side, so you can read these explanations in one window while you examine the output above in a second window.


Discovery instructions, as read and parsed

This section is a summary of how discover understood the instructions, formatted as jSON. There should be no real surprises here.

OS type, as determined during discovery

Full process commands for all users, as found during discovery

The presence of these sections, and others like them, depends on which sensor types you have enabled in your instructions. Each distinct kind of probe will generate a separate section listing all the resources under consideration for matching, so you can understand what your sensor pattern values must look like to identify the specific resources you care about. In the case of a file_content sensor, the actual content of the files won't be listed, but the filenames that match your resource directive will be listed, and you can go from there.

Mostly-unanalyzed discovery results

This section summarizes the discovery results and the trigger data that was used to generate them. (The trigger data is passed through because it affects further processing.) In particular, here you will find a short list of the profiles and services that are in play because of matched sensors.

Sensor results

This section contains the meat of the sensor results (apologies to vegetarians). The results of processing each individual sensor are presented, so you can see exactly what transpired.  $MATCHED#$ and $SANITIZED#$ values are shown as they actually got generated for the respective sensors, and any references to them in sensor directives have those values substituted in so you can see their final effects. If multiple resource instances matched, that will be shown here, so you can understand exactly how service instances are created. In conjunction with the resource lists presented earlier in the output, this data should be used to tweak your sensor definitions if they are not matching as intended.

If there had been errors in our instructions, the discover tool would have let us know about that. In this case, we didn't, so we won't cover that here. Let's take the next step and run the same discovery, but this time we will capture the discovery results into a local file and send them to the GroundWork server. Before we do that, let's run the autosetup tool on the GroundWork server while logged in as the nagios user, to see what it shows.

% cd /usr/local/groundwork/gdma/bin
% ./autosetup status -t -a
ERROR:  There are no hosts with files to list status for.
Now that we know there is no prior data on the server, let's run the discovery on the client, and send it to the server.
./discover /tmp/sample_trigger /tmp/sample_instructions /tmp/results 1
The early parts of the output are as shown above. At the end, we now see the following, edited a bit to better fit in the text column here:
Sending discovery results to the server
NOTICE:  Auto-Setup request was processed.
server response is:  {"status":"success","message":"Determined hostname is
    ''.  Your discovery results were successfully tested
    against the database."}

$result_data = {
  "message" => "Determined hostname is ''.
      Your discovery results were successfully tested against the database.",
  "status" => "success"
NOTICE:  Auto-Setup call succeeded, with these server-side messages:
        Determined hostname is ''.
        Your discovery results were successfully tested against the database.
If you're curious, you can look at the results file we saved with that command. It contains the JSON form of the discovery results, which is what gets sent to the server. Aside from showing you the command for that, we won't delve further into it here.
cat /tmp/results
So far, so good. Let's look back on the server.
% ./autosetup status -t -a
instructions     trigger          results          analysis         hostname
===============  ===============  ===============  ===============  ===================
      ---              ---        Jan  6 00:50:45  Jan  6 00:50:45
We can see that the server has no knowledge of the instructions and trigger files we used, since we just had copies on the GDMA client and did not install them on the server. However, it does know about our discovery results, and it analyzed them when they were sent in. Let's look at those aspects. First, the discovery results:
% ./autosetup print results myhost
Reporting results for alternative host:
Showing discovery results for host "" as saved on Wed Jan  6 00:50:45 2021.
Mostly-unanalyzed discovery results

packet_version             = 1.0
succeeded                  = true
last_step                  = test_configuration
if_duplicate               = optimize
soft_error_reporting       = ignore
change_policy              = non_destructive
registration_agent         = GDMA Auto-Setup
hostnames                  = myhost
ip_addresses               = fe80::111:ea85:cafe:1729
mac_addresses              = 00:19:c2:87:a3:f9
os_type                    = linux

Sensor results

sensor_name          = GDMA host
type                 = os_type
cardinality          = single
enabled              = true
matched              = true
host_profile_name    = gdma-linux-host

    Sensor Instance:
    qualified_resource = linux
    Raw matched strings, quoted for visibility:
        $MATCHED1$     = 'linux'
    Sanitized match strings, quoted for visibility:
        $SANITIZED1$   = 'linux'

sensor_name          = GDMA Poller
type                 = full_process_command
cardinality          = first
enabled              = true
matched              = true
service_name         = gdma-daemon

    Sensor Instance:
    qualified_resource = /usr/local/groundwork/perl/bin/.perl.bin /usr/local/groundwork/gdma/bin/
    Raw matched strings, quoted for visibility:
        $MATCHED1$     = 'poll'
    Sanitized match strings, quoted for visibility:
        $SANITIZED1$   = 'poll'
    instance_suffix    = _poll
    instance_ext_args  = poll!20!10

sensor_name          = GDMA Spooler
type                 = full_process_command
cardinality          = first
enabled              = true
matched              = true
service_name         = gdma-daemon

    Sensor Instance:
    qualified_resource = /usr/local/groundwork/perl/bin/.perl.bin /usr/local/groundwork/gdma/bin/
    Raw matched strings, quoted for visibility:
        $MATCHED1$     = 'spool'
    Sanitized match strings, quoted for visibility:
        $SANITIZED1$   = 'spool'
    instance_suffix    = _spool
    instance_ext_args  = spool!20!10
There you can see the same kind of final output that the discover tool showed on the GDMA client. One thing to notice is that we didn't have to type the fully-qualified hostname of the GDMA client; the autosetup tool was able to scan through the results files it had in hand and find the right one for us. Note also that you don't see a full listing of all the resources that were potential sensor matches; for that, you'll need to run the client-side tool.

Next, let's look at the analysis of the discovery results:

% ./autosetup print analysis myhost
Reporting analysis for alternative host:
Showing discovery analysis for host "" as saved on Wed Jan  6 00:50:45 2021.
NOTICE:  The discovery results passed basic validation (without comparison to the current
         content of the database).
Consolidated discovery results:
   "change_policy" : "non_destructive",
   "chosen_address" : "",
   "chosen_alias" : "",
   "chosen_hostname" : "",
   "host_profiles" : {
      "gdma-linux-host" : {
         "instances" : [
   "hostnames" : [
   "if_duplicate" : "optimize",
   "ip_addresses" : [
   "last_step" : "test_configuration",
   "mac_addresses" : [
   "os_type" : "linux",
   "registration_agent" : "GDMA Auto-Setup",
   "service_profiles" : {},
   "services" : {
      "gdma-daemon" : {
         "instances" : [
               "instance_ext_args" : "poll!20!10",
               "instance_suffix" : "_poll"
               "instance_ext_args" : "spool!20!10",
               "instance_suffix" : "_spool"
   "soft_error_reporting" : "ignore"
Database changes:
* adding service gdma-daemon to host
* adding inheritance overrides to service gdma-daemon on host
* adding instance gdma-daemon_poll to service gdma-daemon on host
* adding instance gdma-daemon_spool to service gdma-daemon on host
Rolling back database changes, because this was just a test run.
There, we see how the discovery results from the two separate <service> sensors in our instructions got combined to create separate service instances of the base gdma-daemon service. Also at the end, we see a record of the individual database changes that would result from this discovery. They were put in place to verify that they would work, then backed out because this was just a dry run (last_step = "test_configuration" in our trigger file, carried through as part of the discovery results).

The next step is to copy your working instructions file from the GDMA client to the GroundWork server, and stash it in your master repository. You might do the same with the trigger file if that were not a stock-standard trigger file already in your repository. We won't show those steps here, but for purposes of exposition, we have established these files on our server:

-rw-r--r--. 1 nagios nagios 173 2021-01-06 00:28:20 /home/autosetup/dry_run_trigger
-rw-------. 1 nagios nagios 900 2021-01-06 00:33:03 /home/autosetup/gdma_daemon_instructions
Then we install our instructions and trigger files on the server, where the GDMA client can find them:
% cd /usr/local/groundwork/gdma/bin
% ./autosetup status -t -a
instructions     trigger          results          analysis         hostname
===============  ===============  ===============  ===============  ===================
      ---              ---        Jan  6 00:50:45  Jan  6 00:50:45
% ./autosetup install -p /home/autosetup/gdma_daemon_instructions myhost
% ./autosetup install -p /home/autosetup/dry_run_trigger          myhost
% ./autosetup status -t -a
instructions     trigger          results          analysis         hostname
===============  ===============  ===============  ===============  ===================
Jan  6 14:52:50  Jan  6 14:52:51        ---              ---        myhost
      ---              ---        Jan  6 00:50:45  Jan  6 00:50:45
A bit later, the poller on the GDMA client wakes up and runs another cycle. We can see that in the client's poller logfile:
[Wed Jan 06 15:06:06 2021] NOTICE:  Failed to get trigger file
                           http://myserver/gdma_trigger/myhost.mydomain.com_trigger -- 404 Not Found
[Wed Jan 06 15:06:06 2021] NOTICE:  fetch_auto_setup_files:  Pull failure for
[Wed Jan 06 15:06:07 2021] NOTICE:  File timestamp analysis shows that a new pass of discovery should be run.
[Wed Jan 06 15:06:11 2021] NOTICE:  A dry-run pass of discovery has been run, and the results have been saved.
[Wed Jan 06 15:06:11 2021] ERROR:  Cannot open the old results file "/usr/local/groundwork/gdma/tmp/myhost_last_dry_results"
                           (No such file or directory).
[Wed Jan 06 15:06:11 2021] NOTicE:  These discovery results are different from those of the last dry-run pass of discovery.
[Wed Jan 06 15:06:11 2021] NOTICE:  The new discovery results are being sent to the server, because they are not completely
                           the same as what has gone before.  The difference might be as trivial as some change in the trigger
                           options, not the results of the sensor processing.
[Wed Jan 06 15:06:13 2021] NOTICE:  Auto-Setup request was processed.
[Wed Jan 06 15:06:13 2021] NOTICE:  Auto-Setup call succeeded, with these server-side messages:
                           Determined hostname is ''.  Your discovery results were successfully tested
                           against the database.
[Wed Jan 06 15:06:13 2021] NOTICE:  Failed to get config file
                           http://myserver/gdma/ -- 404 Not Found
[Wed Jan 06 15:06:13 2021] NOTICE:  Failed to get config file http://myserver/gdma/gwmon_myhost.cfg -- 404 Not Found
[Wed Jan 06 15:06:13 2021] ERROR:  Failed to fetch the host config file
[Wed Jan 06 15:06:13 2021] ERROR:  reload_config:  Cannot open configuration file
                           /usr/local/groundwork/gdma/config/gwmon_myhost.cfg (No such file or directory).
[Wed Jan 06 15:06:13 2021] ERROR:  Failed to reload config.
After the server returned status to the client, the client was still not able to find its externals file on the server, because this was only a dry run, the database changes were not permanently committed, and externals were not built. That is all as expected.

Back on the server, we can see the discovery results have come in, and been analyzed:

% ./autosetup status -t -a
instructions     trigger          results          analysis         hostname
===============  ===============  ===============  ===============  ===================
Jan  6 14:52:50  Jan  6 14:52:51        ---              ---        myhost
      ---              ---        Jan  6 15:06:13  Jan  6 15:06:13
We installed the instructions and trigger files using the hostname myhost, and the GDMA client was able to find those files on the server. Note that the client returned the discovery results, and then analysis was done, using the hostname instead (notice that those timestamps have been updated). This is perfectly legitimate, but it is something to watch for when you use hostnames on the autosetup command line. You may wish to always use the fully-qualified hostname to avoid this kind of confusion.

Here are some things we hope you learned from that example:

  • You can develop and test your instructions and trigger files while working from either the GDMA client or the GroundWork server. That said, if you encounter difficulties, it may be helpful to initiate discovery from the client machine, since the output you can see there will include lists of all the resources that your sensor patterns will be matched against. That level of detail can be invaluable when developing your sensor pattern directives.
  • Perl regular expressions used in pattern directives can be simple or complex, depending on what you are trying to match. In this example, we used fairly complex patterns, just to show that such things are possible. If you are not familiar with Perl regex's, you are strongly advised to get yourself a copy of the book Programming Perl, 4th edition. Chapter 5 is all about pattern matching. Learning this material will serve you well in many contexts going forward, because Perl-Compatible Regular Expressions are used in many places in practical programming. Start simple, and look up things as you need them; there's no reason to be frightened by all the advanced capabilities that are available.
  • The output from the discovery and autosetup tools is designed to show you all the relevant detail in compact form. While we don't document every last item in that output, it should be fairly self-explanatory. Use it to guide your work.
  • You can do dry-run testing and see exactly what database changes would result from a pass of discovery, to verify that your instructions will do what you want them to. Dry-run tests are safe even on a production system, as the database changes will be automatically rolled back.


Sample Sensor Definitions

  • basic host-OS discovery and application of some standard host profile
  • some service-discovery sensors we can imagine will be most common

Sample Trigger Files

  • standard dry-run and live-action trigger files, which will probably be almost exclusively what you will use all the time (refer to the files documented in the Quick Reference page)

Sample Use of the autosetup tool

See The autosetup Tool.

Other Examples

  • links to short embedded examples on the sibling pages; fill in once the other pages are done
  • whatever example we have for auto-discovery of Windows disks, as Joey has validated and improved it
  • whatever examples we might have from customers
  • whatever other examples we can think of, including some made-up examples of application-monitoring situations, not just collecting system-level measurements


The DBus is a standard Linux service. Normally it's not something you would want to monitor, so we have disabled that sensor in the following example. But it could be enabled and used for dry-run testing, to ensure that the GDMA client can interoperate with the GroundWork server as regards downloading instructions and trigger files, and submitting discovery results.

format_version = "1.0"

# Apply the "gdma-linux-host" host profile if we're running on a Linux box.
<host "Linux">
    type = os_type
    pattern = "linux"
    host_profile = "gdma-linux-host"

# Apply the "dbus-service" service if the DBus service is running.
<service "DBus">
    type = open_named_socket
    pattern = "^/var/run/dbus/(system_bus_socket)$"
    service = "dbus-service"
    enabled = false

Python 2 Processes

The notion that you might want to monitor all Python 2 processes on your machine is perhaps fanciful, but the notion does provide an opportunity to demonstrate useful application of sensor directives. The interpretation of the instance_ext_args in the Python2 sensor would obviously depend on the construction of the service external for that service, not shown here.

format_version = "1.0"

# Generic GDMA host profile, for whatever platform we're on.
<host "GDMA host">
    type = os_type
    pattern = "(.*)"
    host_profile = "gdma-$SANITIZED1$-host"

# Processes running as Python 2 scripts, such as firewalld or tuned.
# The command lines we are matching against look like this:
#     /usr/bin/python2 -Es /usr/sbin/firewalld --nofork --nopid
#     /usr/bin/python2 -Es /usr/sbin/tuned -l -P
<service "Python2">
    type = full_process_command
    resource = "root"
    cardinality = multiple
    pattern = "^\S+/(python2)\s+(?:-Es\s+)?\S*/([^/\s]+)(?:\s|$)"
    service = "python2-program"
    instance_suffix = "_$SANITIZED2$"
    instance_ext_args = "foo!$MATCHED1$!bar!$SANITIZED2$!abc"

Discrimination Mostly by OS Release

This example shows that you can combine multiple sensors of similar type in the same instructions file and use that one file for discovery on multiple disparate hosts, in a situation where you can reasonably expect that only one of the sensors will match.

format_version = "1.0"

<host "CentOS 7.4">
    type = os_version
    pattern = ^7\.4\.
    host_profile = "centos7-host"

<host "CentOS 8.2">
    type = os_version
    pattern = ^8\.2\.$
    host_profile = "centos8-host"

<host "Ubuntu 18.04">
    type = os_version
    pattern = ^18\.04$
    host_profile = "ubuntu-host"

<host "Raspberry Pi">
    type = machine_architecture
    pattern = ^arm$
    host_profile = "raspberry-pi-host"

Checking for Specific Processes

An application like a web server will often run many copies of a particular binary, to handle the load. But all we need is to recognize one copy, for configuration purposes.

format_version = "1.0"

# Generic GDMA host profile, for whatever platform we're on.
<host "GDMA host">
    type = os_type
    pattern = "(.*)"
    host_profile = "gdma-$SANITIZED1$-host"

# Apply the "apache-web-server" service if, not surprisingly,
# Apache Web Server is currently running.
<service "Apache 2.4">
    type = full_process_command
    cardinality = first
    # Matches a command line like "/usr/sbin/apache2 -k start".
    pattern = "/apache2\s+-k\s+\S+"
    service = "apache-web-server"

Windows Daemons

Simple daemons may take simple sensors to recognize.

format_version = "1.0"

<host "Windows">
    type = os_type
    pattern = "windows"
    host_profile = "gdma-windows-host"

<service "DNS Client">
    type = running_system_service
    pattern = "^DNS Client$"
    service = "windows-dns-client"

<service "Search Indexer">
    type = full_process_command
    pattern = "^searchindexer.exe$"
    service = "windows-search-indexer"

Request for Feedback

GroundWork invites customers to contact us and contribute examples you have found useful and might be generally interesting, or tell us about examples you would like to see included. We are especially interested in examples that make good use of complex patterns, or that demonstrate use of the less-common sensor directives.

Related Resources