GroundWork Monitor Enterprise
Uninstall is used to remove GroundWork Monitor 8. This process completely removes GroundWork Monitor, removing volumes and containers and the Docker directory. It does not remove other Docker containers and volumes that may exist on the same host.
Removing GroundWork Monitor 8
- Go to the Docker directory you created when you installed GroundWork Monitor 8.
Go to the gw8 directory:
Shut down the existing containers:
Remove GroundWork Monitor 8 volumes and containers:
docker volume ls | grep "$(grep COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME .env | sed -e 's/^[^=]*=//')_" | \
awk '{print $2}' | xargs docker volume rm
docker images -a | grep "groundworkdevelopment/" | \
awk '{print $3}' | xargs docker rmi
Remove the docker directory: