Introduction to GroundWork Monitor EE 8.2.2

Much of this version is enhanced from the last (8.2.1-1). 

What's new in this version?

For GroundWork Monitor EE 8.2.2 we've focused on some customer requests, various improvements, and bug fixes. Please see Release Notes for GroundWork Monitor.

What do I need to know to be able to use GroundWork Monitor 8.2.2?

We are providing a Quick Start document for those of you new to monitoring with GroundWork Monitor 8.2.2. There’s a lot of community knowledge that you can use when setting up GroundWork Monitor, especially if you ever used a prior version. There are also some Docker Commands administrators will want to get familiar with in order to make the most of their GroundWork Monitor 8.2.2 installations, especially if you are new to working with containers.

Of course, if you need more than you can absorb from the documentation on your own, we offer training and support. Just ask us about our training courses. 

Do I need to get a Docker License? 

No. Well, maybe. As of August 2021, Docker changed its free licensing model for Docker Desktop. The open source license for Docker Engine remains unchanged, however. How you use Docker and run containers is up to you, but GroundWork only requires Docker Engine, and so you don't need a license per se. Of course, you may have Docker Enterprise, or want to run GroundWork under Docker Desktop (not recommended, but technically possible). In that case, you should make sure you use Docker software in accordance with the license they provide. 

What to do, and What not to do...

Please see Best Practices. In principle, monitoring is an essential service for any IT department. We can't know what your needs are (unless you tell us), but we have seen a lot of deployments and are happy to share our knowledge. 

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