Windows MSSQL Server (via NSClient)


Monitors a Microsoft SQL Server using NSClient. NSClient is used by the Nagios server to communicate with the Windows server. Also see NSClient++ Monitoring documentation.

Profile Package

This package includes the following files:

  • Profile definition: service-profile-nsclient-mssql.xml

  • Plugin script: check_nt

  • NSClient script (installed on the monitored Windows server): 


GroundWork Monitor includes many monitoring profiles for a variety of devices, systems and applications. Some profiles are pre-imported on a new GroundWork installation and others are distributed with the product. The configuration tool is used to import updated profiles and profiles that require additional setup, services can also be imported, see Importing Profiles.

Services Configuration

For plugin details you can run the service help command from within the nagios container. For example: Get to the nagios container from the gw8 directory: docker-compose exec -u 1000 nagios bash, then to the libexec directory: cd /usr/local/nagios/libexec, and enter a service help command e.g., ./check_snmp --help to receive help content.

Service/Command Line/Plugin CommandCommand Parameters

This column lists the Service Definition name, Service Command name with arguments to be passed to the plugin, and the Plugin Command line which is the plugin script called by Nagios for the service.

Command parameters are in the configuration services section with the following names and default values.

  • nsclient_mssql_bufcache_hits

  • check_nt_counter_mssql_bufcache_hits!80!50

  • $USER1$/check_nt -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -p $USER19$ -s $USER4$ -v COUNTER -l "SQLServer:Buffer Manager Buffer cache hit ratio", "SQLServer:Buffer Manager Buffer cache hit ratio is %.f " -w "$ARG1$" -c "$ARG2$"

Uses check_nt plugin to connect to NSClient on $HOSTADDRESS$ and execute the COUNTER command.

  • $ARG1$: Warning threshold, default is 80

  • $ARG2$: Critical threshold, default is 50

  • nsclient_mssql_deadlocks

  • check_nt_counter_mssql_deadlocks!10!20

  • $USER1$/check_nt -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -p $USER19$ -s $USER4$ -v COUNTER -l "SQLServer:Locks(_Total)Number of Deadlocks/sec", "SQLServer:Locks(_Total) Number of Deadlocks/sec is %.f " -w "$ARG1$" -c "$ARG2$"

Uses check_nt plugin to connect to NSClient on $HOSTADDRESS$ and execute the COUNTER command.

  • $ARG1$: Warning threshold, default is 10

  • $ARG2$: Critical threshold, default is 20

  • nsclient_mssql_latch_waits

  • check_nt_counter_mssql_latch_waits!50!100

  • $USER1$/check_nt -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -p $USER19$ -s $USER4$ -v COUNTER -l "SQLServer:Latches Latch Waits/sec", "SQLServer:Latches Latch Waits/sec is %.f " -w "$ARG1$" -c "$ARG2$"

Uses check_nt plugin to connect to NSClient on $HOSTADDRESS$ and execute the COUNTER command.

  • $ARG1$: Warning threshold, default is 50

  • $ARG2$: Critical threshold, default is 100

  • nsclient_mssql_lock_wait_time

  • check_nt_counter_mssql_lock_wait_time!10!20

  • $USER1$/check_nt -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -p $USER19$ -s $USER4$ -v COUNTER -l "SQLServer:Locks(_Total)Lock Wait Time (ms)", "SQLServer:Locks(_Total) Lock Wait Time (ms) is %.f " -w "$ARG1$" -c "$ARG2$"

Uses check_nt plugin to connect to NSClient on $HOSTADDRESS$ and execute the COUNTER command.

  • $ARG1$: Warning threshold, default is 10

  • $ARG2$: Critical threshold, default is 20

  • nsclient_mssql_lock_waits

  • check_nt_counter_mssql_lock_waits!50!100

  • $USER1$/check_nt -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -p $USER19$ -s $USER4$ -v COUNTER -l "SQLServer:Locks(_Total)Lock Waits/sec", "SQLServer:Locks(_Total) Lock Waits/sec is %.f " -w "$ARG1$" -c "$ARG2$"

Uses check_nt plugin to connect to NSClient on $HOSTADDRESS$ and execute the COUNTER command.

  • $ARG1$: Warning threshold, default is 50

  • $ARG2$: Critical threshold, default is 100

  • nsclient_mssql_log_growths

  • check_nt_counter_mssql_log_growths!10!20

  • $USER1$/check_nt -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -p $USER19$ -s $USER4$ -v COUNTER -l "SQLServer:Databases(_Total)Log Growths", "SQLServer:Databases(_Total) Log Growths is %.f " -w "$ARG1$" -c "$ARG2$"

Uses check_nt plugin to connect to NSClient on $HOSTADDRESS$ and execute the COUNTER command.

  • $ARG1$: Warning threshold, default is 10

  • $ARG2$: Critical threshold, default is 20

  • nsclient_mssql_log_used

  • check_nt_counter_mssql_log_used!10!20

  • $USER1$/check_nt -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -p $USER19$ -s $USER4$ -v COUNTER -l "SQLServer:Databases(_Total)Percent Log Used", "SQLServer:Databases(_Total) Percent Log Used is %.f " -w "$ARG1$" -c "$ARG2$"

Uses check_nt plugin to connect to NSClient on $HOSTADDRESS$ and execute the COUNTER command.

  • $ARG1$: Warning threshold, default is 10

  • $ARG2$: Critical threshold, default is 20

  • nsclient_mssql_memory_grants_pending

  • check_nt_counter_mssql_memory_grants_pending!10!20

  • $USER1$/check_nt -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -p $USER19$ -s $USER4$ -v COUNTER -l "SQLServer:Memory Manager Memory Grants Pending", "SQLServer:Memory Manager Memory Grants Pending is %.f " -w "$ARG1$" -c "$ARG2$"

Uses check_nt plugin to connect to NSClient on $HOSTADDRESS$ and execute the COUNTER command.

  • $ARG1$: Warning threshold, default is 10

  • $ARG2$: Critical threshold, default is 20

  • nsclient_mssql_transactions

  • check_nt_counter_mssql_transactions!10!20

  • $USER1$/check_nt -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -p $USER19$ -s $USER4$ -v COUNTER -l "\\SQLServer:Databases(_Total)Transactions/sec", "SQLServer:Databases(_Total) Transactions/sec is %.f " -w "$ARG1$" -c "$ARG2$"

Uses check_nt plugin to connect to NSClient on $HOSTADDRESS$ and execute the COUNTER command.

  • $ARG1$: Warning threshold, default is 10

  • $ARG2$: Critical threshold, default is 20

  • tcp_nsclient

  • check_nt

  • $USER1$/check_nt -p $USER19$ -s $USER4$ -H $HOSTADDRESS$-v CLIENTVERSION

Uses check_nt plugin to connect to NSClient on $HOSTADDRESS$ and retrieve the version number.No arguments.

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