Service/Command Line/Plugin Command | Command Parameters |
This column lists the Service Definition name, Service Command name with arguments to be passed to the plugin, and the Plugin Command line which is the plugin script called by Nagios for the service. | Command parameters are in the configuration services section with the following names and default values. |
wmi_mssql_checkpointpagespersec check_wmi_mssql_checkpointpagespersec!80!90 $USER1$/check_nrpe -t 60 -H $USER21$ -c get_counter_bulk_count -a "$HOSTADDRESS$" "Win32_PerfRawData_MSSQLSERVER_SQLServerBufferManager" "*" "CheckpointpagesPersec" "$ARG1$" "$ARG2$"
| The rate of recording check point pages per second $USER21$: The WMI Proxy Server IP Address $ARG1$: Warning threshold, default is 80 $ARG2$: Critical threshold, default is 90
wmi_mssql_lazywritespersec check_wmi_mssql_lazywritespersec!80!90 $USER1$/check_nrpe -t 60 -H $USER21$ -c get_counter_bulk_count -a "$HOSTADDRESS$" "Win32_PerfRawData_MSSQLSERVER_SQLServerBufferManager" "*" "LazywritesPersec" "$ARG1$" "$ARG2$"
| The rate of lazy writes per second $USER21$: The WMI Proxy Server IP Address $ARG1$: Warning threshold, default is 80 $ARG2$: Critical threshold, default is 90
wmi_mssql_pagelifeexpectancy check_wmi_mssql_ pagelifeexpectancy!600000!700000 $USER1$/check_nrpe -t 60 -H $USER21$ -c get_counter_large_rawcount -a "$HOSTADDRESS$" "Win32_PerfRawData_MSSQLSERVER_SQLServerBufferManager" "*" "Pagelifeexpectancy" "$ARG1$" "$ARG2$"
| The life expectancy of a page in milliseconds $USER21$: The WMI Proxy Server IP Address $ARG1$: Warning threshold, default is 600,000 $ARG2$: Critical threshold, default is 700,000
wmi_mssql_pagelookupspersec check_wmi_mssql_ pagelookupspersec!80!90 $USER1$/check_nrpe -t 60 -H $USER21$ -c get_counter_bulk_count -a "$HOSTADDRESS$" "Win32_PerfRawData_MSSQLSERVER_SQLServerBufferManager" "*" "PagelookupsPersec" "$ARG1$" "$ARG2$"
| The rate of page look ups per second $USER21$: The WMI Proxy Server IP Address $ARG1$: Warning threshold, default is 80 $ARG2$: Critical threshold, default is 90
wmi_mssql_pagereadspersec check_wmi_mssql_ pagereadspersec!80!90 $USER1$/check_nrpe -t 60 -H $USER21$ -c get_counter_bulk_count -a "$HOSTADDRESS$" "Win32_PerfRawData_MSSQLSERVER_SQLServerBufferManager" "*" "PagereadsPersec" "$ARG1$" "$ARG2$"
| The rate of page reads per second $USER21$: The WMI Proxy Server IP Address $ARG1$: Warning threshold, default is 80 $ARG2$: Critical threshold, default is 90
wmi_mssql_pagewritespersec check_wmi_mssql_ pagewritespersec!80!90 $USER1$/check_nrpe -t 60 -H $USER21$ -c get_counter_bulk_count -a "$HOSTADDRESS$" "Win32_PerfRawData_MSSQLSERVER_SQLServerBufferManager" "*" "PagewritesPersec" "$ARG1$" "$ARG2$"
| The rate of page writes per second $USER21$: The WMI Proxy Server IP Address $ARG1$: Warning threshold, default is 80 $ARG2$: Critical threshold, default is 90
wmi_mssql_readaheadpagespersec check_wmi_mssql_ readaheadpagespersec!80!90 $USER1$/check_nrpe -t 60 -H $USER21$ -c get_counter_bulk_count -a "$HOSTADDRESS$" "Win32_PerfRawData_MSSQLSERVER_SQLServerBufferManager" "*" "ReadaheadpagesPersec" "$ARG1$" "$ARG2$"
| The rate of read ahead in pages per second $USER21$: The WMI Proxy Server IP Address $ARG1$: Warning threshold, default is 80 $ARG2$: Critical threshold, default is 90
wmi_mssql_logbytesflushedpersec check_wmi_mssql_ logbytesflushedpersec!80!90 $USER1$/check_nrpe -t 60 -H $USER21$ -c get_counter_bulk_count -a "$HOSTADDRESS$" "Win32_PerfRawData_MSSQLSERVER_SQLServerDatabases" "Name=_Total" "LogBytesFlushedPersec" "$ARG1$" "$ARG2$"
| The rate of log bytes flushed per second $USER21$: The WMI Proxy Server IP Address $ARG1$: Warning threshold, default is 80 $ARG2$: Critical threshold, default is 90
wmi_mssql_logflushwaitspersec check_wmi_mssql_ logflushwaitspersec!80!90 $USER1$/check_nrpe -t 60 -H $USER21$ -c get_counter_bulk_count -a "$HOSTADDRESS$" "Win32_PerfRawData_MSSQLSERVER_SQLServerDatabases" "Name=_Total" "LogFlushWaitsPersec" "$ARG1$" "$ARG2$"
| The rate of log flush waits per second $USER21$: The WMI Proxy Server IP Address $ARG1$: Warning threshold, default is 80 $ARG2$: Critical threshold, default is 90
wmi_mssql_logflushespersec check_wmi_mssql_ logflushespersec!80!90 $USER1$/check_nrpe -t 60 -H $USER21$ -c get_counter_bulk_count -a "$HOSTADDRESS$" "Win32_PerfRawData_MSSQLSERVER_SQLServerDatabases" "Name=_Total" "LogFlushesPersec" "$ARG1$" "$ARG2$"
| The rate of log flushes per second $USER21$: The WMI Proxy Server IP Address $ARG1$: Warning threshold, default is 80 $ARG2$: Critical threshold, default is 90
wmi_mssql_transactionspersec check_wmi_mssql_ transactionspersec!80!90 $USER1$/check_nrpe -t 60 -H $USER21$ -c get_counter_bulk_count -a "$HOSTADDRESS$" "Win32_PerfRawData_MSSQLSERVER_SQLServerDatabases" "Name=_Total" "TransactionsPersec" "$ARG1$" "$ARG2$"
| The rate of transactions per second $USER21$: The WMI Proxy Server IP Address $ARG1$: Warning threshold, default is 80 $ARG2$: Critical threshold, default is 90
wmi_mssql_processesblocked check_wmi_mssql_ processesblocked!80!90 $USER1$/check_nrpe -t 60 -H $USER21$ -c get_counter_large_rawcount -a "$HOSTADDRESS$" "Win32_PerfRawData_MSSQLSERVER_SQLServerGeneralStatistics" "*" "Processesblocked" "$ARG1$" "$ARG2$"
| The number of processes in a blocked state $USER21$: The WMI Proxy Server IP Address $ARG1$: Warning threshold, default is 80 $ARG2$: Critical threshold, default is 90
wmi_mssql_userconnections check_wmi_mssql_ userconnections!80!90 $USER1$/check_nrpe -t 60 -H $USER21$ -c get_counter_large_rawcount -a "$HOSTADDRESS$" "Win32_PerfRawData_MSSQLSERVER_SQLServerGeneralStatistics" "*" "UserConnections" "$ARG1$" "$ARG2$"
| The number of user connections $USER21$: The WMI Proxy Server IP Address $ARG1$: Warning threshold, default is 80 $ARG2$: Critical threshold, default is 90
wmi_mssql_locktimeoutspersec check_wmi_mssql_ locktimeoutspersec!80!90 $USER1$/check_nrpe -t 60 -H $USER21$ -c get_counter_bulk_count -a "$HOSTADDRESS$" "Win32_PerfRawData_MSSQLSERVER_SQLServerLocks" "Name=_Total" "LockTimeoutstimeout0Persec" "$ARG1$" "$ARG2$"
| The per second rate of lock timeouts where timeout is at 0 $USER21$: The WMI Proxy Server IP Address $ARG1$: Warning threshold, default is 80 $ARG2$: Critical threshold, default is 90
wmi_mssql_lockwaitspersec check_wmi_mssql_ lockwaitspersec!80!90 $USER1$/check_nrpe -t 60 -H $USER21$ -c get_counter_bulk_count -a "$HOSTADDRESS$" "Win32_PerfRawData_MSSQLSERVER_SQLServerLocks" "Name=_Total" "LockWaitsPersec" "$ARG1$" "$ARG2$"
| The rate of lock waits per second $USER21$: The WMI Proxy Server IP Address $ARG1$: Warning threshold, default is 80 $ARG2$: Critical threshold, default is 90
wmi_mssql_deadlockspersec check_wmi_mssql_ deadlockspersec!80!90 $USER1$/check_nrpe -t 60 -H $USER21$ -c get_counter_bulk_count -a "$HOSTADDRESS$" "Win32_PerfRawData_MSSQLSERVER_SQLServerLocks" "Name=_Total" "NumberofDeadlocksPersec" "$ARG1$" "$ARG2$"
| The rate of deadlocks per second $USER21$: The WMI Proxy Server IP Address $ARG1$: Warning threshold, default is 80 $ARG2$: Critical threshold, default is 90
wmi_mssql_targetservermemory check_wmi_mssql_ targetservermemory!300000!400000 $USER1$/check_nrpe -t 60 -H $USER21$ -c get_counter_large_rawcount -a "$HOSTADDRESS$" "Win32_PerfRawData_MSSQLSERVER_SQLServerMemoryManager" "*" "TargetServerMemoryKB" "$ARG1$" "$ARG2$"
| The level in bytes of target server memory use $USER21$: The WMI Proxy Server IP Address $ARG1$: Warning threshold, default is 300,000 $ARG2$: Critical threshold, default is 400,000
wmi_mssql_totalservermemory check_wmi_mssql_ totalservermemory!3000!17000 $USER1$/check_nrpe -t 60 -H $USER21$ -c get_counter_large_rawcount -a "$HOSTADDRESS$" "Win32_PerfRawData_MSSQLSERVER_SQLServerMemoryManager" "*" "TotalServerMemoryKB" "$ARG1$" "$ARG2$"
| The level in bytes of total server memory use $USER21$: The WMI Proxy Server IP Address $ARG1$: Warning threshold, default is 3,0000 $ARG2$: Critical threshold, default is 17,000
wmi_mssql_errorspersec check_wmi_mssql_errorspersec!80!90 $USER1$/check_nrpe -t 60 -H $USER21$ -c get_counter_bulk_count -a "$HOSTADDRESS$" "Win32_PerfRawData_MSSQLSERVER_SQLServerSQLErrors" "Name=_Total" "ErrorsPersec" "$ARG1$" "$ARG2$"
| The rate of errors per second $USER21$: The WMI Proxy Server IP Address $ARG1$: Warning threshold, default is 80 $ARG2$: Critical threshold, default is 90
wmi_mssql_batchrequestspersec check_wmi_mssql_batchrequestspersec!80!90 $USER1$/check_nrpe -t 60 -H $USER21$ -c get_counter_bulk_count -a "$HOSTADDRESS$" "Win32_PerfRawData_MSSQLSERVER_SQLServerSQLStatistics" "*" "BatchRequestsPersec" "$ARG1$" "$ARG2$"
| The rate of batch requests per second $USER21$: The WMI Proxy Server IP Address $ARG1$: Warning threshold, default is 80 $ARG2$: Critical threshold, default is 90