
GroundWork Monitor Enterprise 8.1.2

GroundWork Monitor Enterprise 8 utilizes Docker containers and a Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment methodology. This means less waiting for feature development, security patches and bug fixes. You will get faster updates with little effort on your part to maintain your on-premises monitoring system. This document outlines the installation procedures for New, Update and Migrate installations and for uninstalling GroundWork Monitor.

  • New Install is used for a fresh GroundWork Monitor installation. This install type will step you through an initial installation for GroundWork Monitor 8.1.2. The New Install uses the Install from Installer method which is an offline method. It does not require internet access other than for the initial download, and it uses a GroundWork Installer file to install. You will need to prepare your system, get the installer file, and run the installer. The installer will initially create a gw8 sub-directory of the directory where it runs, and will drop the configuration files into this subdirectory. The installation will take approximately 30 minutes to complete.
  • Update Install will update a previously installed version of GroundWork Monitor Enterprise 8. This install type steps through an update installation for GroundWork Monitor 8.1.2. The Update Install uses the Update from Installer method which is an offline method. It does not require internet access other than for the download, and it uses a GroundWork Installer file to install.
  • Migrate Install is considered a fresh GroundWork Monitor Enterprise installation plus a migration of your Monarch configuration from a previous version of GroundWork Monitor 7.x. This install type steps through the process for migrating Monarch to GroundWork Monitor 8. You will first need to refer to the New Install steps above to perform a new installation. After installation you can refer to the migration tasks on this page.
  • Uninstall is used to remove GroundWork Monitor Enterprise 8. This process completely removes GroundWork Monitor, removing volumes and containers and the Docker directory. It does not remove other Docker containers and volumes that may exist on the same host. 

Select the tab below for the installation type you wish to perform:

New Install

The following instructions are for a fresh GroundWork Monitor Enterprise installation. If your installation is an update, please refer to Update Install. It is important to complete all sections starting with Pre Install preparation, proceeding to the Install section for your selected platform, and after installation implementing tasks in the Post Install section.

Pre Install

You will need to be familiar with the Linux command line, and have a physical or virtual Linux server with root access.

1System RequirementsVerify System Requirements for this release.
2Release NotesReview Release Notes for this release.
3Linux System Preparation
  • Network Connection: Connected to network, to be accessible via HTTPS and SSH.
  • Hostname: During installation you will be prompted for the host name to be used to access your GroundWork Monitor system web interface. It is recommended to make it the FQDN, so certificates will validate correctly.
  • Partition Disk Space
    • It is recommended to have at least 6GB disk space in the current working directory for the download.
    • It is recommended to have at least 200GB disk space assigned to the partition that contains the /var/lib/docker path, the location for the GroundWork Monitor 8 installation.
  • System Timezone: Setup system time, e.g., NTP and UTC. Additionally, during installation you will be prompted for the timezone to be used for the crontab. This is the timezone of those with the most access to the system, and it can be different from the server timezone, but ideally is not
4SubnetsDuring installation you will be prompted for a subnet to use for the Docker daemon and subnet for GroundWork Docker containers. Make sure the subnets do not conflict with your own infrastructure.
5Installation TypeDuring installation you will be prompted for the type of installation to use for this GroundWork server. GroundWork Monitor can be installed as a standalone system or installed to run as part of a Parent-child distributed monitoring configuration of GroundWork servers. The choices will be:
  • Standalone: GroundWork 8 server in a single location.
  • Parent: GroundWork 8 central server for GroundWork child servers. You will need the parent host name which needs to resolve to the parent server you are installing and be reachable by any associated child servers.
  • Parent Managed Child: GroundWork 8 child server managed from the GroundWork 8 parent. You will need the parent host name which must match the parent instance name on the parent server this child will connect and the child hostname which must match the child's Monarch Group name, be reachable by the parent, and resolve to the server you are installing.
  • Child Managed Child: GroundWork 8 child server managed independently. You will need the parent host name which must match the parent instance name on the parent server the child will connect to.
6SELinux, Virus SoftwareDisable SELinux and disable any virus scan software.
7CertificatesGroundWork includes self-signed certificates for HTTPS support out-of-the-box, however this is not intended for production. You can proceed with an installation and address certificates post-install.
8LDAPDuring the Install process you will create a gwos user for the installation as well as running the application. If you use LDAP, an LDAP based user is fine, as long as it can be added to sudo and to the docker group.


Select the tab below for your installation platform:

New Install for CentOS 7.5 / Red Hat 7.5

  1. Log in as a user with sudo and get to a root shell.

  2. Disable the firewall. These steps will disable the default firewall configuration and leave your GroundWork server in a potentially vulnerable state, so be sure to set up compatible secure rules after installing or upgrading GroundWork Monitor.  

    • If you are using the iptables utility, enter:

      iptables -F
    • If you are using the firewall tool firewalld, enter:

      systemctl disable firewalld
      systemctl stop firewalld
  3. Create the user gwos to be used to run the application.

    • Add the gwos user:

      useradd gwos
    • Add the gwos password:

      passwd gwos
  4. Install Docker CE:

    • Install yum-utils as a preparation for Docker:

      yum install -y yum-utils device-mapper-persistent-data lvm2
    • Add the Docker repos:

      yum-config-manager --add-repo
    • Install the community addition of Docker:

      yum install -y docker-ce docker-ce-cli
  5. Install Docker Compose, which basically enables you to interact with Docker:

    • Download docker-compose using curl:  

      curl -L "$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
    • Set the docker-compose binary to be executable:

      chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
    • Create a symbolic link:

      ln -s /usr/local/bin/docker-compose /usr/bin/docker-compose
  6. Verify Docker is running:

    • Enable Docker auto-start:

      systemctl enable docker
    • Check the status of Docker:

      systemctl status docker --no-pager
    • If Docker is not running, enter the following:

      systemctl start docker
  7. Add gwos user to the docker group, which was created by the installation of Docker:

    usermod -a -G docker gwos
  8. As gwos user verify access to Docker commands:

    All commands, including installation commands, are performed as the gwos user, do not attempt installation as the root user.

    • Switch user to user gwos:

      su - gwos
    • Verify the docker command returns usage output:

    • Verify the docker-compose command returns usage output:

  9.   Adjust your log settings so the logs won't fill your disk space. See Log settings.
  10. Download and prepare the GroundWork Monitor Enterprise 8.1.2 installer:

    • Obtain the installer from the Downloads page and transfer it to your server in the gwos user's home directory (/home/gwos).

    • Log in as the gwos user:

      su - gwos
    • Change the directory to gwos user's home directory:

    • Check the MD5 sum and compare it with the MD5 sum listed on the Downloads page:


      If this does not match, re-download the installer, as you may have a corrupted download.

    • Change ownership of the installer to the gwos user:

      chown gwos:gwos
    • Mark the file as executable:

      chmod +x
  11. Run the GroundWork Installer:

    Do not run the installer as the root. Run it as user gwos

    • Verify the output of the whoami command returns the gwos user:

    • As gwos user, enter the following:

    • As the install progresses, you will be asked about Timezone, web UI host name, installation type, and subnets which are all mentioned in the Pre-Install section above.

  12. After the install has completed, you can check the containers status:

    • Change to the gw8 directory and check the containers status:

      cd gw8
      docker-compose ps
  13. To launch GroundWork Monitor, open a browser to the name of the host system you provided to the installer as the web UI host name. The default Administrator login is admin/admin. It may take a few minutes for the availability calculations to complete and display, as you may see warnings about this on the relevant dashboards.

New Install for CentOS 8 / Red Hat 8

  1. Log in as a user with sudo and get to a root shell.

  2. Disable the firewall. These steps will disable the default firewall configuration and leave your GroundWork server in a potentially vulnerable state, so be sure to set up compatible secure rules after installing or upgrading GroundWork Monitor.  

    • If you are using the iptables utility, enter:

      iptables -F
    • If you are using the firewall tool firewalld, enter:

      systemctl disable firewalld
      systemctl stop firewalld
  3. Create the user gwos to be used to run the application.

    • Add the gwos user:

      useradd gwos
    • Add the gwos password:

      passwd gwos
  4. Install Docker CE:

    GroundWork Monitor 8.1.2 supports installations for Red Hat 8 and CentOS 8, however the typical commands to install Docker CE will not work, as the Red Hat (and therefore CentOS) repositories are missing the latest Docker packages. GroundWork 8 requires Docker CE (or Enterprise) installed, along with Docker Compose in order for it to be installed. The following are instructions for installing Docker CE packages that are compatible with GroundWork 8.1.2 on Red Hat 8.x or CentoOS 8.x. This is not the only way to do this, but we have found that yum does not easily connect to the repos where the latest packages reside and some work-around procedures published online are not stable. 

    • On your GroundWork 8 server, make a new, clean directory: 

      mkdir docker-packages
      cd docker-packages
    • Download the rpm packages from the following links to your GroundWork 8 server: 

    • Check the MD5 sum of the downloaded packages for safety: 

      md5sum docker-ce-19.03.9-3.el7.x86_64.rpm
      8c82e6029624a5c3b632e45a54291c61  docker-ce-19.03.9-3.el7.x86_64.rpm
      md5sum docker-ce-cli-19.03.9-3.el7.x86_64.rpm
      34abba60e1b908ee0c4c9ca7cfdcdaae  docker-ce-cli-19.03.9-3.el7.x86_64.rpm
    • Remove any old installation of Docker CE:

      sudo yum remove docker  docker-client  docker-client-latest  docker-common  docker-latest  docker-latest-logrotate  docker-logrotate  docker-engine

      This may not find old packages installed, but it's best to be safe. 

    • Install the Docker packages you downloaded:

      sudo yum install *.rpm
    • Enable and start Docker: 

      sudo systemctl enable docker
      sudo systemctl start docker
    • For confirmation, list the Docker version installed:

      sudo docker version
      Client: Docker Engine - Community
       Version:           19.03.9
       API version:       1.40
       Go version:        go1.13.10
       Git commit:        9d988398e7
       Built:             Fri May 15 00:25:27 2020
       OS/Arch:           linux/amd64
       Experimental:      false
      Server: Docker Engine - Community
        Version:          19.03.9
        API version:      1.40 (minimum version 1.12)
        Go version:       go1.13.10
        Git commit:       9d988398e7
        Built:            Fri May 15 00:24:05 2020
        OS/Arch:          linux/amd64
        Experimental:     false
        Version:          1.2.0
        GitCommit:        c4446665cb9c30056f4998ed953e6d4ff22c7c39
        Version:          1.0.0-rc8
        GitCommit:        425e105d5a03fabd737a126ad93d62a9eeede87f
        Version:          0.18.0
        GitCommit:        fec3683
  5. Install Docker Compose, which basically enables you to interact with Docker:

    • Download docker-compose using curl: 

      # curl -L "$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
    • Set the docker-compose binary to be executable:

      chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
    • Create a symbolic link:

      ln -s /usr/local/bin/docker-compose /usr/bin/docker-compose
  6. Verify Docker is running:

    • Enable Docker auto-start:

      systemctl enable docker
    • Check the status of Docker:

      systemctl status docker --no-pager
    • If Docker is not running, enter the following:

      systemctl start docker
  7. Add gwos user to the docker group, which was created by the installation of Docker:

    usermod -a -G docker gwos
  8. As gwos user verify access to Docker commands:

    All commands, including installation commands, are performed as the gwos user, do not attempt installation as the root user.

    • Switch user to user gwos:

      su - gwos
    • Verify the docker command returns usage output:

    • Verify the docker-compose command returns usage output:

  9. Adjust your log settings so the logs won't fill your disk space. See Log settings.

  10. Download and prepare the GroundWork Monitor Enterprise 8.1.2 installer:

    • Obtain the installer from the Downloads page and transfer it to your server in the gwos user's home directory (/home/gwos).

    • Log in as gwos user:

      su - gwos
    • Change the directory to gwos user's home directory:

      cd ~
    • Check the MD5 sum and compare it with the MD5 sum listed on the Downloads page:


      If this does not match, re-download the installer, as you may have a corrupted download.

    • Change ownership of the installer to the gwos user:

      chown gwos:gwos
    • Mark the file as executable:

      chmod +x
  11. Run the GroundWork Installer:

    Do not run the installer as the root. Run it as user gwos

    • Verify the output of the whoami command returns the gwos user:

    • As gwos user, enter the following:

    • As the install progresses, you will be asked about Timezone, web UI host name, installation type, and subnets which are all mentioned in the Pre-Install section above.

  12. After the install has completed, you can check the containers status:

    • Change to the gw8 directory and check the containers status:

      cd gw8
      docker-compose ps
  13. To launch GroundWork Monitor, open a browser to the name of the host system you provided to the installer as the web UI host name. The default Administrator login is admin/admin. It may take a few minutes for the availability calculations to complete and display, as you may see warnings about this on the relevant dashboards.

New Install for SLES 15

Additional requirements for SLES 15

For SLES 15 you will need access to SMT/RMT server (Local mirror or direct to SuSE SMT), with access to the repository "Container Module 15 x86_64". To enable the container module, follow instructions in PROCEDURE 2.1: ENABLING THE CONTAINER MODULE USING YAST of the Docker Open Source Engine Installation documentation.

  1. Log in as a user with sudo and get to a root shell.

  2. Disable the firewall. These steps will disable the default firewall configuration and leave your GroundWork server in a potentially vulnerable state, so be sure to set up compatible secure rules after installing or upgrading GroundWork Monitor.  

    • If you are using the iptables utility, enter:

      iptables -F
    • If you are using the firewall tool firewalld, enter:

      systemctl disable firewalld
      systemctl stop firewalld
  3. Create the user gwos to be used to run the application:

    useradd -m -d /home/gwos/ gwos
  4. Install Docker CE packages:

    zypper in docker containerd docker-bash-completion
  5. Install Docker Compose:

    • Download docker-compose using curl:  

      curl -L "$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
    • Set the docker-compose binary to be executable:

      chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
    • Create a symbolic link:

      ln -s /usr/local/bin/docker-compose /usr/bin/docker-compose
  6. Verify Docker is running:

    • Enable Docker auto-start:

      systemctl enable docker
    • Check the status of Docker:

      systemctl status docker --no-pager
    • If Docker is not running, enter the following:

      systemctl start docker
  7. Add gwos user to the docker group, which was created by the installation of Docker:

    usermod -a -G docker gwos
  8. As gwos user verify access to Docker commands:

    All commands, including installation commands, are performed as the gwos user, do not attempt installation as the root user.

    • Switch user to user gwos:

      su - gwos
    • Verify the docker command returns usage output:

    • Verify the docker-compose command returns usage output:

  9. Adjust your log settings so the logs won't fill your disk space. See Log settings.

  10. Download and prepare the GroundWork Monitor Enterprise 8.1.2 installer:

    • Obtain the installer from the Downloads page and transfer it to your server in the gwos user's home directory (/home/gwos).

    • Login as the gwos user:

      su - gwos
    • Change the directory to gwos user's home directory:

      cd ~
    • Check the MD5 sum and compare it with the MD5 sum listed on the Downloads page:


      If this does not match, re-download the installer, as you may have a corrupted download.

    • Change ownership of the installer to the gwos user:

      chown gwos:gwos
    • Mark the file as executable:

      chmod +x
  11. Run the GroundWork Installer:

    Do not run the installer as the root. Run it as user gwos.

    • Verify the output of the whoami command returns the gwos user:

    • As gwos user, enter the following:

    • As the install progresses, you will be asked about Timezone, web UI host name, installation type, and subnets which are all mentioned in the Pre-Install section above.

  12. After the install has completed, you can check the containers status:

    • Change to the gw8 directory and check the containers status:

      cd gw8
      docker-compose ps
  13. To launch GroundWork Monitor, open a browser to the name of the host system you provided to the installer as the web UI host name. The default Administrator login is admin/admin. It may take a few minutes for the availability calculations to complete and display, as you may see warnings about this on the relevant dashboards.

New Install for Ubuntu 18.04

  1. Log in as a user with sudo and get to a root shell.

  2. Disable the firewall. These steps will disable the default firewall configuration and leave your GroundWork server in a potentially vulnerable state, so be sure to set up compatible secure rules after installing or upgrading GroundWork Monitor.  

    • If you are using the ufw default firewall configuration tool for Ubuntu, enter:

      ufw disable
    • If you are using the iptables utility, enter:

      iptables -F
    • If you are using the firewall tool firewalld, enter:

      systemctl disable firewalld
      systemctl stop firewalld
  3. Create the user gwos to be used to run the application. The adduser utility will walk you through options, including setting a password and other optional fields:

    adduser gwos
  4. Install Docker CE using Docker's RPM repository and installation instructions for Ubuntu:

    • Go to Install Docker Engine on Ubuntu.

    • Scroll down to the section Install using the repository.

    • Then, perform the steps in the section SET UP THE REPOSITORY.

    • Next, perform steps 1 and 3 in the INSTALL DOCKER ENGINE, then return to this page. 

      Testing Docker commands creates dummy hosts you should remove. These hosts will be monitored by default in GroundWork, and will show up as being down. You can verify the test is successful with the displayed “Hello from Docker!” message, then, simply enter the following to clean up the hosts it creates:
      List all containers:
      docker ps -a
      Look for hello-world, e.g.,:
      CONTAINER ID     IMAGE                          COMMAND          CREATED                STATUS                     PORTS                      NAMES
      2b261cbe8d87     hello-world                  “/hello”                19 minutes ago      Exited (0) 19 m
      Enter the following command with that container ID, e.g.,:
      docker rm  2b261cbe8d87
      List all containers again:
      docker ps -a

  5. Install Docker Compose:

    • Download docker-compose using curl:  

      curl -L "$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
    • Set the docker-compose binary to be executable:

      chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
    • Create a symbolic link:

      ln -s /usr/local/bin/docker-compose /usr/bin/docker-compose
  6. Verify Docker is running:

    • Enable Docker auto-start:

      systemctl enable docker
    • Check the status of Docker:

      systemctl status docker --no-pager
    • If Docker is not running, enter the following:

      systemctl start docker
  7. Add gwos user to the docker group, which was created by the installation of Docker:

    usermod -a -G docker gwos
  8. As gwos user verify access to Docker commands:

    All commands, including installation commands, are performed as the gwos user, do not attempt installation as the root user.

    • Switch user to user gwos:

      su - gwos
    • Verify the docker command returns usage output:

    • Verify the docker-compose command returns usage output:

  9. Adjust your log settings so the logs won't fill your disk space. See Log settings.

  10. Download and prepare the GroundWork Monitor Enterprise 8.1.2 installer:

    • Obtain the installer from the Downloads page and transfer it to your server in the gwos user's home directory (/home/gwos).

    • Login as the gwos user.

      su - gwos
    • Change the directory to gwos user's home directory:

      cd ~
    • Check the MD5 sum and compare it with the MD5 sum listed on the Downloads page:


      If this does not match, re-download the installer, as you may have a corrupted download.

    • Change ownership of the installer to the gwos user:

      chown gwos:gwos
    • Mark the file as executable:

      chmod +x
  11. Run the GroundWork Installer:

    Do not run the installer as the root. Run it as user gwos.

    • Verify the output of the whoami command returns the gwos user:

    • As gwos user, enter the following:

    • As the install progresses, you will be asked about Timezone, web UI host name, installation type, and subnets which are all mentioned in the Pre-Install section above.

  12. After the install has completed, you can check the containers status:

    • Change to the gw8 directory and check the containers status:

      cd gw8
      docker-compose ps
  13. To launch GroundWork Monitor, open a browser to the name of the host system you provided to the installer as the web UI host name. The default Administrator login is admin/admin. It may take a few minutes for the availability calculations to complete and display, as you may see warnings about this on the relevant dashboards.

Post Install

This table lists recommended post installation tasks.

1Restart ScriptYou'll need to put auto restart in-place in case of power outage. See Restart script.
2Firewall SettingDon't forget! You will need to determine and instantiate the appropriate firewall rules or security settings for your host!GroundWork uses port TCP/443, and optionally TCP/5667 (for legacy GDMA) to the revproxy container, and it also requires container-to-container communications. You can adjust the firewalld settings to match your companies security policy as long as these conditions are met.A useful example of adjusting firewalld rulesets to secure a Docker CE host can be found here.
3Docker CommandsTo access logs, control containers, and navigate in Docker, see Docker commands.
4CertificatesGroundWork includes self-signed certificates out of the box. To load your own certificates, please refer to Adding certificates to HTTPS.
5SMTP ServiceSetup SMTP for email alert notifications.
6User, Roles, PermissionsTo configure GroundWork Monitor users, see Users roles permissions, and if you use LDAP see How to configure LDAP.


GroundWork MenuTo customize the GroundWork menu options and access, see Menu Editor.

Update Install

This section steps through an update installation for GroundWork Monitor 8.1.2. The Update Install uses the Update from Installer method which is an offline method, it does not require internet access other than for the download, and it uses a GroundWork Installer file to install.


  1. First, verify your running GroundWork 8.x.x system is up to date as described in System Requirements. It most likely is, but it's a good time to update and patch the OS. 

  2. Review the Release Notes for 8.1.2, which contain details of issues fixed, new features, and items of interest to those users who have customized or significantly enhanced a previous version of GroundWork Monitor. 

  3. You may need to obtain a new license for 8.1.2 from GroundWork Support. This version will not work with licenses that are specifically for 8.0.x (e.g., default 50-host core licenses issued with 8.0.x), and you don't want to go all the way through an upgrade just to wait for a license to be generated before you can use the system. Existing customers are welcome to equivalent 8.1.2 licenses at no extra cost, and many existing customers have been issued licenses that are for 8.x.x, so you may just want to check with support to be sure.

  4. Running the Installer will update an existing GroundWork Monitor installation without any changes to configuration or license.

    It is recommended you perform a backup before updating your installation. 

  5. Open a command line to the directory where you installed GroundWork Monitor 8. This is the directory above the gw8 directory. Check with an ls command to be sure. You should see the gw8 directory listed. 

  6. Obtain the installer from the Downloads page and place it in this directory.

  7. Mark the file as executable:

    chmod +x
  8. If you are running the optional NeDi netflow or nfpcapd containers, stop them manually: 

    docker ps |grep nfcapd
    docker ps |grep nfpcapd

    This will give you the container name as the last column in the output, for example: 

    e5a971431d05      groundworkdevelopment/nedi:8.1.2-GA     "nfpcapd -i eth0 -T …"   49 minutes ago      Up 49 minutes (health: healthy)      nfpcapd_capture  

    Usually, these are nfcapd_collector (for NetFlow) and nfpcapd_capture (for packet capture). For each of these containers, type: 

    docker stop <name>

    where <name> is the name of the container, e.g., nfcapd_collector.


After completing the Prepare steps above, you can proceed by running the installer:

  1. Run the installer: 

  2. The installer will function much as it does during a New Install, with the exception that it will not prompt for a host name or installation type. The installer will shut down GroundWork, extract all the new containers, update the system and restart it.

  3. If you want to run the optional NeDi netflow or nfpcapd containers again, start them with the following: 

    docker start nfcapd_collector
    docker start nfpcapd_capture

    or re-create them with this procedure NeDi Flowi NetFlow sFlow and packet capture.

  4. Log in as an administrative user and apply your new license to use 8.1.2.

Migrate Install

This section steps through the process for migrating Monarch to GroundWork Monitor 8. You will first need to refer to the New Install tab above to perform a new installation. After installation you can refer to the migration tasks on this page.

The migration to GroundWork Monitor 8 is not quite exact, since the way we do self-monitoring in GroundWork Monitor changes significantly. Therefore you can expect that the "localhost" host in GroundWork Monitor 7.x configurations will vanish in GroundWork Monitor 8 after migration. If you have any particular custom services assigned to localhost that you wish to preserve, we suggest you move them to another host first. 

Also, you will see several added hosts in GroundWork Monitor 8 for the containers that run the system. Nagios™ ping checks of the containers will be automatically added after migration, and will show in the default Status Summary. These hosts and services are necessary, and any license will be increased to include them at no charge. They have names like "gw8-dockergw8_elasticsearch_1", and have several services from the Docker Cloud Hub connector as well. 

GroundWork Monitor 7.x

The following steps can be used to capture your existing GroundWork Monitor 7.x Nagios configuration database from your latest backup.

  1. Access the command line on your Groundwork 7.x server, for example via SSH. We assume you are using a user that is not root, but has sudo access. If you use root, then you can omit the sudo part. 

  2. Copy and paste the following command and run it:

    sudo tar -C /usr/local/groundwork/core/monarch/backup \
        -czf /tmp/$(ls /usr/local/groundwork/core/monarch/backup | tail -1).tar.gz \
        $(ls /usr/local/groundwork/core/monarch/backup | tail -1)

    This will produce a file such as /tmp/2018-12-26_16-44-47.tar.gz. This is the backup to be transferred. Note the date portion of the filename as the timestamp for the next steps, e.g., "2018-12-26_16-44-47" in this example. 

GroundWork Monitor 8

  1. Transfer the backup you made above to the GroundWork 8 server. Place it in the gw8 directory. Use any secure method of transferring files you like, e.g., SCP. 
  2. From the command line on the GroundWork 8 server, change to the gw8 directory:

    cd gw8
  3. Substitute the appropriate timestamp from your captured filename and set it as the timestamp variable. For example (you will need to use your own timestamp):

  4. Copy and paste the following two commands to set the TAG variable and load the configuration:

    TAG=$(grep '^TAG=' .env | sed 's/^TAG=//')
    docker run --rm \
        -v ${PWD}/$timestamp.tar.gz:/$timestamp.tar.gz \
        -v dockergw8_monarch-backup:/usr/local/groundwork/monarch/backup \
        --name gw8 groundworkdevelopment/gw8:${TAG} \
        /src/ loadMonarchBackup $timestamp.tar.gz
  5. In GroundWork Monitor 8, go to Configuration > Nagios Monitoring > Control > Back up and restore and proceed to restore the GroundWork Monitor 7.x backup with the noted timestamp.

    You should disable notifications before committing the imported configuration. This will allow to identify any unforeseen problems without creating a notification storm. 

    Notifications are automatic in NoMa as well as Nagios. To disable notifications, for NoMa go to Configuration > Notifications and check each notification rule that is currently active (green checkmark) to be disabled (grey checkmark), and for Nagios go to Configuration > Nagios Monitoring > Control > Nagios main configuration > Notification and uncheck Enable notifications.


This uninstall process completely removes GroundWork Monitor 8, removing volumes and containers and the docker directory. It does not remove other docker containers and volumes that may exist on the same host. 

  1. Go to the Docker directory you created when you installed GroundWork Monitor 8.

  2. Go to the gw8 directory:

    cd gw8
  3. Shut down the existing containers:

    docker-compose down
  4. Remove GroundWork Monitor 8 volumes and containers:

    docker volume ls | grep "$(grep COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME .env | sed -e 's/^[^=]*=//')_" | \
        awk '{print $2}' | xargs docker volume rm
    docker images -a | grep "groundworkdevelopment/" | \
        awk '{print $3}' | xargs docker rmi
  5. Remove the docker directory:

    cd ..
    rm -rf gw8